7 клас


Домашнє завдання на понеділок  14 травня 2018 :

Крок 1 : підготуйтеся до написання відгуку про фільм. Визначіться із фільмом і знайдіть назву фільму, ім'я режисера та акторів англійською мовою. 
Крок 2: вивчіть наступні речення:
1.                       the producer — режисер
2.                       The film ranks with … — Цей фільм знаходиться на одному рівні з
3.                       The action of the film is set in…. — Події у фільні відбуваються в
4.                       The film starts with a scene —Фільм починається із сцени
5.                       fast-moving / slow-moving plot — стрімкий / повільний  сюжет
6.                       be starring — грати головну роль
7.                       the brilliant acting of … —  блискуча гра
8.                       What impressed me most is … — Найбільше мене вразило
9.                       enhance the impression — підсилювати враження
10.              Its worth seeing ! –Він вартий того, щоб його подивитися!

Контрольна робота ОНЛАЙН! ДОСТУП БУДЕ ВІДКРИТО З 20:00 ДО 21:00!!!

Завдання на понеділок 7 травня 2018!!!!!!!!!!

#1 Умовний спосіб (2 тип):
Завдання для 7 А класу


#2 Умовний спосіб (1тип)
Завдання для 7 А та Б класів



#3 Завдання для 7-Б
Спочатку почитайте теорію
Скласти по 5 речень із словами:

  1.  AND 
  2. BUT
  3. SO
  6. NEITHER... NOR 
  7. WHILE

7-А клас для вас:
1. What is tea?

So, here is a selection of tea bags. Do you know where does it come from?
Do you drink it?
Do you know someone who drinks it?
What is it made from? Where does it grow?

         2. Types of tea
1. The first one is English breakfast. One of the most common type of tea.It is black tea. English breakfast teas are typically blended with milk and sugar. This tea should be - strong, malty(солодовий) and the perfect start to the day.
2. Irish breakfast. |ˈaɪrɪʃ|  Very strong. It is stronger than English breakfast tea. it is usually served with milk.
3. Earl Grey. Black tea+ bergomont oil
4. Oolong (ˈuːlɒŋ) is a traditional Chinese tea . Elegant tea, fermented. It can be sweet and fruity with honey aromas, or woody and thick with roasted aromas, or green and fresh with complex aromas.
5. Green tea. Originated in China, but its production has spread to many countries in Asia.
6. White tea. Tea with Indian spices. In a flavour characterized as "lighter" than green or traditional black teas.

3. Speaking
Did You Know?
Use cards to learn a few interesting facts about tea.
Fill a tea pot with Did You Know cards. Ask each child to pick a card at random and share the facts with the rest of the class.
# 1  All teas are made out of the same plant which is known as the tea plant or Camellia Sinensis. (This plant originated in China and it is cultivated there and in other Asian countries)
# 2 Tea shouldn’t be prepared with boiling water. (There are only a few varieties of teas to be prepared with boiling water. But most of the time tea should be brewed with warm water somewhere between 65 to 80 Celsius degrees. It is done this way to avoid the leaves to lose their natural flavor and aroma)
# 3 Tea leaves are reusable. багаторазово (We can reuse tea leaves, especially pu’erh’s and oolong can actually get better taste and flavor from steeping to steeping. The process of re-steeping certain tea leaves can reveal different and hidden flavor from the first preparation to the second and third one)
# 4 There isn’t such a thing as a diet tea. (Lose the myths about easily dropping off extra kilos with just the miraculous tea bags. Some of these don’t even contain real tea)
# 5 What is called ‘black tea’ in the United States is called ‘red tea’ in China.

Завдання на понеділок 11 грудня 2017:
1. Переглянути відео:
2. Написати 5 речень про що йдеться у відео.

Sound [s] – [ʃ], [p], [b].
1.                      [p] Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
2.                      [ӕ] A fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
3.                      [b] Betty Botter bought some butter but, said she, the butter's bitter.

4.                      [s - ʃ] She sells sea shells on the seashore.

Завдання для 7-Б класу:

Завдання для 7-В  класу:

Підручник он-лайн:
Завантажити можна з:

Why is it important to learn English?

  1. To go abroad
  2. To get a better job
  3. To be able to talk to English speaking people
  4. To become a translator
  5. To understand English pop songs
  6. To travelhttp://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading-skills-practice/online-safety-poster

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