6 клас

Завдання для 6 класів!!!

Завдання на літо для 6 класу!
Увага!!!!!!!! В усіх розділах обирайте рівень А1 та А2!!!!!!!!

Завдання на 7 березня!



1.     This is ... book. It is my ... book.
2. Is this your ... pencil?  No, it isn't my ... pencil, it is my sister's ... pencil.
3. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... engineer. My sister's ... husband is ... doctor.
4. I have no ... handbag.
5. Is this ... watch?  No, it isn't ... watch, it's ... pen.
6. This ... pen is good, and that ... pen is bad.
7. I can see ... pencil on your ... table, but I can see no ... paper.
8. Give me ... chair, please.
9. They have ... dog and two ... cats.
10. I have ... spoon in my ... plate, but I have no ... soup in it.

1. This is ... tree. ... tree is green.
2. I can see three ... boys. ... boys are playing.
3. I have ... bicycle. ... bicycle is black. My ... friend has no ... bicycle.
4. Our ... room is large.
5. We wrote ... dictation yesterday. ... dictation was long.
6. She has two ... daughters and one ... son. Her ... son is ... pupil.
7. My ... brother's ... friend has no ... dog.
8. This ... pencil is broken. Give me that ... pencil, please.
9. She has ... ball. ... ball is ... big.
10. I got ... letter from my ... friend yesterday. ... letter was interesting.

1. This is ... pen. ... pen is red.
2. These are pencils. ... pencils are black.
3. This is ... soup. ... soup is tasty.
4. In the morning I eat ... sandwich and drink ... tea.
5. She gave me ... coffee and ... cake. ... coffee was hot. ... cake was tasty.
6. Do you like ... ice-cream?
7. I see ... book in your ... hand. Is ... book interesting?
8. She bought... meat, ... butter and ... potatoes yesterday. She also bought ... cake. ... cake was very ... tasty. We ate ...
cake with ... tea.
9. This is my ... table. On ... table I have ... book, two ... pencils, ... pen and ... paper.
10. This is ... bag. ... bag is brown. It is my sister's ... bag. And this is my ... bag. It is ... yellow.

1. I have two ... sisters. My ... sisters are ... students.
2. We are at ... home. 3. My ... brother is not at ... home, he is at ... school.
4. My ... mother is at ... work. She is ... doctor.
5. I am not ... doctor.
6. I have no ... sister.
7. He is not ... pilot.
8. I have thirty-two ... teeth.
9. He has ... child.
10. She has two ... children. Her children are at ... school.
11. Is your father at ... home?  No, he is at ... work.
12. Where is your ... brother?  He is at ... home.

1. We have ... large ... family.
2. My granny often tells us ... long ... interesting .. stories.
3. My ... father is ... engineer. He works at ... factory. ... factory is large.
4. My ... mother is ... doctor. She works at ... large ... hospital. She is at ... work now.
5. My ... aunt is ... teacher. She works at ... school. ... school is good. My ... aunt is not at ... school now. She is at ... home.
She is drinking ... tea and eating ... jam. ... jam is sweet. I am at ... home, too. I am drinking ... tea and eating ... sandwich.
... sandwich is tasty.
6. My sister is at ... school. She is ... pupil.
My cousin has ... big ... black ... cat. My cousin's ... cat has two ... kittens. ... milk, too. cat likes ... milk. ... kittens like

1. I am ... engineer.
2. My ... son is ... pupil.
3. He is ... good ... pupil.
4. This is ... house.
5. This is my ... pencil.
6. You have some ... pencils, but I have no ... pencil. Give me ... pencil, please.
7. I like your ... beautiful ... flower. Give me ... flower, please.
8. My ... mother is at ... home. She is reading ... interesting ... book.
9. My ... father is not at ... home. He is at ... work. He is ... doctor. He is ... good ... doctor. He works at ... hospital. ... hospital

is large.

Завдання для 6-Б класу!

Text А
Valentine’s Day began as a celebration of a number of early Christian saints all with the
name Valentinus. Among the Valentines honoured on 14 February are Valentine of Rome
and Valentine of Terni. The former was said to be a priest near Rome at around 270 AD At
this time, the Christian church was under attack from the Romans. Valentine is said to have
performed weddings for Christians and soldiers who, under Roman law, were allegedly not
allowed to marry. It is also said that Valentine cut out paper hearts and gave them to people
to remind them of God’s love. Valentine of Terni lived around 197 AD. Both were executed
for their Christian beliefs. A third Valentine is said to have been martyred in Africa on 14
February. Since then, several churches have commemorated these saints, on various days of
the year.
Quite how the veneration of early saints came to be a celebration of love is unknown. Some
people say that the Saints’ day merged with the Roman festival of fertility Lupercalia, which
was celebrated between 13th and 15th of February, but there is no evidence for this. The first
written record of Valentine’s Day being associated with romantic love is in 1382, when the
English writer Chaucer wrote:
For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.
[“For this was on Saint Valentine’s Day, when every bird comes there to choose his mate.”]
The earliest known Valentine’s greeting was a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orléans to
his wife in 1415. At the time, Charles was being held in the Tower of London following the
Battle of Agincourt. The poem begins:
Je suis déjà d’amour tanné
Ma tres doulce Valentinée...
(I am already sick with love, my very sweet Valentine).

Text B
Valentine’s Greetings were already popular by the 1700s. In 1797, a British publisher
created a book entitled the Young man’s Valentine Writer, which included many heartfelt and
sentimental verses for young lovers unable to write their own greetings. With cheaper postal
rates, it became possible to send cards anonymously, and this increased the popularity of the
tradition further. The first cards were handwritten, but by the mid 1800s, cards were mass
produced in factories. Now, just under half the population of Britain spend money on some
form of Valentine’s gift. It is estimated that 25 million cards are sent in Britain and in USA,
where Valentine’s cards are typically sent to friends as well as lovers, the figure stands at
around 190 million. When including handmade cards created by children in the classroom,
the figure is as high as 1 billion. Nowadays, internet e-cards are increasingly popular, and it
is estimated that 15 million e-valentines were sent in 2010.
Interestingly, Valentine’s Day has a darker side, and not just for those who do not receive a
card from the person they desire. At the turn of the twentieth century, it was popular to send
‘vinegar valentines’. These are printed cards depicting a caricature and an insulting poem
which criticizes a person’s nature. One card, for example, features a woman with a huge
smile and long eyelashes. The poem beneath it reads:
The smile that on your face appears
Stretching your mouth to meet your ears
You think, no doubt, as sweet as honey
Whereas, dear girl, it’s only funny.
Other mean-spirited cards accused people of being ugly, mean or stupid. The vinegar
valentines, which were printed on a single sheet of cheap paper, unsurprisingly provoked
arguments and fights. However, they decreased in popularity after th1950s and nowadays
few people realise they ever existed.

Text C
Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the West, Asia and South America,
although in some countries, the national day of Love is held on a different day and known by
a different name. In Brazil, for example, Dia dos Namorados (“Lovers’ Day”) is celebrated
on June 12. On this day, single women traditionally perform rituals to find a husband or
boyfriend. In most countries, the national day of love involves sending gifts of chocolate,
jewellery or flowers to a loved one, either openly or in secret, and spending time together.
In Japan, the Valentine tradition is slightly different. Here, the custom is for women to give
chocolates to men, in particular their co-workers. This custom may well have originated from
a chocolate-company executive’s translation error during one of the early campaigns in the
1930s. Since the 1980s, ‘White Day’ has also been celebrated in Japan on March 14th. On
White Day, men present confectionary to those women from whom they received chocolates
the previous month. These gifts are supposed to be worth three times the value of the initial
gift, otherwise it means that the man wishes to cut the relationship. Failure to reciprocate at
all implies the man’s superiority.
In some countries, Valentine’s day is condemned as encouraging loose morals. In India, for
example, it is feared that Valentine’s day will destroy societal traditions such as arranged
marriages and joint families. In some Muslim countries, the sale of Valentine’s products is
forbidden. In Malaysia, leaflets are distributed to university students warning them against
celebrating the day, and police conduct raids on hotels to stop young unmarried couples from
being intimate. Despite this, the celebration of Valentine’s Day is increasingly popular,
particularly among young people, and has led to a black market in roses, cards and wrapping


1. Перекладіть на англійську.
1. В її кімнаті є книжкова шафа?
2. Годинник знаходиться в їдальні.
3. У класі немає світла.
4. На вулиці багато дерев.
5. У дворі кілька хлопчиків.
6. Що на стіні?
7. На стіні висить карта.
8. Там немає ноутбуків.
9. Там немає ніяких ноутбуків.
10. В твоїй кімнаті є картини?
11. Скільки яблунь у цьому саду?
12. У цьому саду 12 яблунь.
13. На столі є крейда?
14. Ні, на столі крейди немає.
15. У твоєму портфелі немає паперу, чи не так?
16. У парку кілька дівчаток, чи не так?
17. На твоїй парті є книги? - Так, є декілька.
18. На тарілці лежить хліб.
19. У склянці немає молока.
20. У глечику немає молока.
21. У нього немає (ніяких) друзів.
22. У тексті немає (ніяких) нових слів.
23. У його бібліотеці багато англійських книг.
24. Біля столу стоїть стілець.
25. Для мене є листи?
26. У глечику молоко чи сік?
27. Скільки книг в твоїй бібліотеці?
28. Тобі немає ніякої записки.
29. У її листі немає ніяких новин.
30. На столі лежить олівець.
31. Перед входом стоїть машина.
32. У моїй кімнаті є два вікна.
33. У цій групі багато студентів.
34. На підлозі лежить килим.
35. У цьому висувному ящику лежать журнали.
36. На її письмовому столі лежать багато підручників.
37. На моєму костюмі є кишеня (одну кишеню).
38. - У цьому кишені лежить записна книжка (одна записна книжка).
39. - У нашому залі стоїть диван (один диван).

2. Перетворіть речення в заперечну та питальну форму.
1. There is a telephone in this room.
2. There are fifteen students in our group.
3. There are some interesting  articles in this newspaper.
4. There is somebody in the room.
5. There is something on the table.
6. There is a lot of fish in this river.
7. There is too much snow on the roof of the house.
8. There is too much water in the lake in spring.
3. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. There is a man at the bus-stop. There are two men at the bus-stop. There is a man and a woman at the bus-stop.
2. There isn’t any sugar in my tea.
3. There is only one bridge across the river in this place.
4. There is no time to visit the museum.
5. There are several bookshops in this street.
6. There is a lot of coal in the Donbas.
7. There is no oil in our country.
8. There are few offices in this part of the town.
4. Ask questions using how many:

1.                   English books in your library.
2.                   continents in the world.
3.                   people in your family.
4.                   states in the United States of America.
5.                   floors in this building.
6.                   letters in the English alphabet.
7.                   students in your group.
8.                   windows in this room.
9.                   desks in your classroom.
10.               rooms in your flat.

5. Complete the disjunctive questions:
1.                   There are a lot of people here, ... ?
2.                   There is a better way to solve this problem, .. ?
3.                   There aren’t any problems, ... ?
4.                   There is a meeting tonight, ... ?
5.                   There isn’t a test tomorrow, ... ?
6.                   There is nobody at home, ... ?
7.                   There isn’t a lot to do, ... ?
8.                   There isn’t a lot of noise, ... ?
9.                   There are some English books on the shelf, ... ?
10.               There are some spelling mistakes in your composition, ... ?

6. Complete the questions in your own way:
1.                   Is there much ... ?
2.                   Are there many ... ?
3.                   Is there little ... ?
4.                   Is there a lot of ... ?
5.                   Is there a large number of ... ?
6.                   Is there any ... ?
7.                   Are there any ... ?
8.                   Are there a few ... ?

1 коментар:

  1. Шановна Тетяна Вікторівна дякую за текст з повагою Завгородній Кіріл
